How can I take better pictures of my dog?

Taking great photos of your dog can be challenging, but here are some tips to help you improve your photography skills whether you are using a DSLR or your phone camera:

cute little black brown white dog with big eyes and tongue out sitting on the back of a couch
  1. Use natural light: Natural light is always the best option when it comes to pet photography. Avoid using flash as it can startle your dog and create harsh shadows. Turn off any overhead lights and open your curtains wide to let in lots of light.

  2. Get down to your dog's level: To capture the best angles, get down to your dog's level. This will help you get eye-level shots and bring out their personality. I love to lay on the floor when I shoot- the point of view is so unique and makes a really interesting photo.

  3. Choose the right background: The background can make or break a photo. Look for simple, clutter-free backgrounds that won't distract from your dog.

  4. Use treats and toys: Toys and treats can help you get your dog's attention and keep them engaged. You can use them to get your dog to look at the camera or pose in a particular way. Try holding their favourite treat or toy near your camera or phone to get them to look at you. Even a squeeky toy!

  5. Take candid shots: Candid shots can capture your dog's unique personality and create more interesting photos. Follow your dog around with your camera and snap pictures as they play and explore.

  6. Practice patience: Dogs can be unpredictable and may not always cooperate. Be patient and take multiple shots to increase your chances of getting a good one.

  7. Edit your photos: Editing can help you enhance your photos and make them look more professional. You can adjust the brightness, contrast, and color to make your photos pop, even within your phone’s camera app.

cute little dog istting in his bed having a rest

Remember, taking great photos takes practice and patience. Keep experimenting with different techniques and settings to find what works best for you and your doggo.